Custom Cooling Solutions
Cost-effective Cooling Solutions with Superior Thermal Performance
Thermal requirements, board layout and system design often mandate custom-solutions. ATS’ 3-Core (3/C) design approach, which encompasses analytical, computational and empirical modeling, ensures timely, cost-effective cooling solutions with superior thermal performance.

The first component of 3/C, Analytical Modeling, defines a solution path and cooling option. 3/C’s second component, CFD, verifies the solution and provides a model for verification on the client’s system and the third component, prototype with emprical modeling, provides a physical solution for testing in ATS's labs or at the clients’ facility.
Based on the first component of 3/C, ATS’ engineering team engage the clients to review the options available – such options may range from air to liquid cooling. ATS broad experience in electronics cooling, custom and off the shelf solutions enable the client to not only explore the varied cooling options that meet the thermal and design requirements, but also provide the client with a vehicle to go from samples that are domestically produced to high volume production and distribution worldwide.
The custom-solutions are not limited to board level cooling solutions. Depending on the application, ATS designs custom- solutions at the chassis level for facilitating electronics packaging, cooling solutions and integration of thermal transport tools such as heat pipes, cold plates, vapor chambers or a complete liquid loop with CDU. To learn more or ask us questions about your next design engineering consulting need, email us at
Heat Sinks, Bringing an Idea to Life - How ATS Does a Custom Design